Thursday, 17 December 2020

Importance of Family

 The most important thing to be successful is the ability to trust yourself. But in this dynamic world, we change our thoughts every single second. So how we are able to trust ourselves fully? Wondering! What're the real obstacles in our success route? It's only our belief that we are not capable of doing it. Often we blame others but it's not correct. We focus on negativity so much that we throw all the positive hope away. What if we stop believing ourselves? No worries, because some people makes us believe in their belief that we are capable, we can go ahead, we can do it.

We need someone who can hold our hands in times when we don't trust ourselves. It may be our family, friends or anyone whom we can trust blindly. No words can explain the true impact of family and friends in anyone's life. It's not just a word or a bunch of people whom we constantly want to be with. It's an unseen bond which holds you in your tough times, which can make you smile when your heart cries. It can take you up higher and higher when you think of quitting. It's not just an emotion but a belief, hope, trust, support, caring, sharing and much more. They just want to be with you never demand anything in return. An investment which generates compounded returns throughout your life as your helping hand. As a human being, we are in constant need of support and love. Love from our parent's, family friends and most importantly from our self. Having a strong network of supportive family and friends helps us in our mental well-being also. Apart from the basic psychological needs - air, water etc and safety needs - save the environment, job security we need social interaction also. we need some people whom we can trust and share our feelings, who can advise us when we are in a dilemma and encourage us whenever we face difficult times. You are the two most prominent example of the importance of a relationship with family and friend. The first one is the world-famous cricketer who changed the perception of the world towards cricket, none other than the legendary Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin said "there is no buddy like a brother!! Thank you for all your support over the years, Ajit". Sachin owes a great deal of his success to Ajit his half-brother who left his cricket job and career for him. Ajit did everything to make it possible for Sachin to play cricket with peace of mind. It's because of all the sacrifices and support of his family members he is what he is and the world knows him.

The second example is of the king of investment - Warren Buffett. He shared with Forbes in 2013 how important it is to encourage children to do what they want to do. He said, "We never gave any instructions on specifics, but I think they did pick up the values that were meaningful to their mother and myself". He also pointed out that he is most grateful to his father for his unrelenting support for whatever he wanted to do. He mentioned, "He was not trying to live his life through me".

''Love is the greatest advantage a parent can give.'' - Warren Buffett

Having anyone around us who can understand us is very important for our success. It's not easy to trust anyone but if you are trusting anyone then trust them fully. Sometimes there are circumstances when all things seem wrong to us. But at that time also we need to keep patience and understand the situation. Not only ours but we should look at other circumstances also. Never judge anyone. Maybe you don't know what the others are doing for you?

-Anuradha Agarwal

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