Thursday, 17 December 2020

What Christmas is… Well,

 Well, it's that time of the year again... Christmas is right around the corner and by now I'm sure all of you reading this, have already started planning your days to celebrate with your loved ones. I don't know why I'm saying this to be honest, but still, for those people out there who have no idea what Christmas is...( I don't know how? ) But let me tell you. Christmas is the event which occurs every year on the 25th of December to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Originally it's meant to be an celebration for the Christianity but now I guess it's celebrated all around the world regardless of the religion an individual belongs too.

Well Christmas might be just one day... But the Christmas feeling starts from way before the actual 25th December… Thanksgiving is also an celebration, mainly carried out in United States and Canada is an occasion when families and friends gather around celebrating the year's harvest together. In India, churches refer to it as the harvesting festival. Harvesting festival, yes as it sounds, is the day we celebrate all the harvested produce of that very year , thanking the Lord above for this grace. Thanksgiving is also pretty similar except here, families gather around for dinner and give thanks for the good deeds and for the support of each member they have in their family.


Then comes the Christmas Eve, the evening right before Christmas day. Surely one of the most anticipated and exciting days of the year, some would even say it's better than the Christmas day. On this evening, family gatherings and parties are held, presents are ex-changed, in churches, choirs walk out singing Christmas carols all night long. By this time, the Christmas decorations are already done... Streamers, party lights, small Christmas trees the sign of everlasting life with god, are found almost in every other house. Balco-nies have a star hanging outside, the star which resembles the same joyous spirit as the one the star in Bethlehem held which showed the way to the new born baby Jesus. Some extra information for the ones who love the Santa Claus, this is the evening when Santa sneaks in while you sleep.

Speaking of the Santa Claus, do you know who he really is? He's Saint Nicholas, who lives in the north pole... It's said that Santa brings gifts to only the good well behaved children, so children who are reading this, you know what you should do for the best gifts. As for the ones who are wondering by now, how do we really enjoy Christmas. Well firstly, wake up in the morning, wish your family and friends with a smile, then if you can get dressed and attend any near by church where the morning gospel is being read. It doesn't really matter what religion you are, just take a seat and enjoy the wonder-ful words and Stories that are shared early in the morning. Another very important tip, spend some time with your family and friends, sit with them, have a conversation... Some-times conversations are not even needed, the fact that you are pre-sent there beside them is just enough to make them happy. Open the presents that you've ex-changed. Take some time away from work, just relax, maybe go for a walk with your friends in the evening and en-joy the twinkling lights and decorations every-where, or go for dinner somewhere, or just play some music and have a good time at home. The list goes on and on. To be honest, one can never really say how to enjoy Christmas, just close your eyes, take a deep breath and do whatever you want to do, treat yourself. And at the end, all I can say about Christmas, the essence of it is giving... You see, it was on this very day that the Lord blessed us by giving us Jesus Christ who taught us the true meaning of life and forgave our dirty sins... Just like that, we too share and give out our best wishes, our love and our happiness with our friends and families and even the strangers who we meet and send a small smile towards them. It's the season of making new friends and forgiving the old ones. Also, I truely believe that the fact that Christmas comes at the end of every year, giving us an opportunity to correct any mistakes and solve any misunderstandings that have happened in the year... Ending them all and stepping into the new year with a smile.

Forgive, give and love…

Merry Christmas everyone.

- Akanksha Mitter

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